Resources for Adults
Courts & Legal Assistance
Family Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia (FCFCOA—Divisions 1 & 2) – assists people to resolve & finalise family law disputes.
Magistrates’ Court of Victoria – assists people to obtain family violence intervention orders for those who have experienced violent, threatening or abusive behaviour.
Law Institute of Victoria – find a lawyer legal referral service.
Women’s Legal Service Victoria - works with and for women experiencing particular disadvantages to address legal issues arising from relationship breakdown or violence.
Government Services
Australian Government Attorney General's Department, Families & Marriage - information for families and couples, including about the family law system, family dispute resolution and family law services
Centrelink - payments and services for people at times of significant change.
Child Support - resources for families, separated parents and their children.
Families - payments and government benefits available to families.
Victorian Government Department of Human Services – a range of programs and services, including child protection, crisis & emergency, family violence and financial
Victorian Government Child FIRST (Child and Family Information Referral and Support Team) - provides support and assistance to vulnerable children, young people and their families where there are concerns about the well-being of the child or young person
Family Transitions, Young Children in Divorce & Separation program (YCIDS) - a short online education program for separated parents of very young children (0-4 years) by child psychologist Professor Jennifer McIntosh
Kids Count - online resources about parenting
Raising Children Network - resources for parents
Stepfamilies Australia - online and telephone support for stepfamilies
Tweddle - Child Family Health Service - early intervention and prevention health services
Dads Online - support for separated dads
- - government early learning and child care initiatives
ReachOut Parents - 24/7 service providing practical tips, tools and strategies to help parents strengthen their relationship with their teenager
Families and Communications
Family Relationships Online - resources about family relationship issues
Our Family Wizard – a US based website for separated parents to assist them to manage co-parenting relationships
Family Violence
1800 Respect - 24/7 sexual assault and family violence helpline
Domestic Violence Resource Centre - resources for those affected by family violence
No to Violence - male family violence prevention
Men's Referral Service - telephone counselling for men dealing with family violence matters
South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault - services for victims of sexual and physical assault
Bursting the Bubble - website for young people experiencing family violence and other issues
Health and Mental Health
headspace - mental health services for young people
beyondblue - anxiety, depression and suicide support service and resources
BeyondNow - suicide safety planning app to help people when distressed and at risk of suicide
Healthdirect - health advice
SANE Australia - online and telephone mental health support
Black Dog Institute - information about mental health
LGBTIQ support services
Rainbow Families Council - support for LGBTIQ parents
Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria - supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ Victorians
Gender Help for Parents - resources for parents about their child's gender identity
Transgender Victoria - support for trans and gender diverse people
Zoe Belle Gender Collective - resources for trans and gender diverse community
Organisation Intersex International Australia - support for intersex people
Switchboard Victoria - telephone counselling, information and referrals for LGBTIQ communities
Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays - resources for families and friends of gay people
Problem gambling
Betsafe - responsible gambling program
Gambling: Calculating the Risk - educational game exploring the mathematics of gambling
Gambling Help Online - 24/7 telephone support
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation - support services for Victorians affected by gambling