Resources for Children
Sesame Street Divorce Toolkit – a variety of resources for children aged 2 – 8 years including videos, songs, printable stories and colouring books and multimedia apps. Full versions of audio podcasts can be downloaded for free from Sesame in Communities iTunes page.
Tommy & Tiger Terry by Darren Mort - a compelling book for children and parents and a useful resource for any separated family to assist children to make sense of it all. The aim is easy – as we all want our kids to grow up into well balanced and psychologically healthy adults. Tommy is just the read to help kids understand that they are not alone.
Resources for Young People
connectEDspace - resources for young people
headspace - mental health services for young people
ReachOut - online mental health support for young people
Resources for Adults
Courts & Legal Assistance
Family Court of Australia - assists people to resolve complex legal and family disputes
Federal Circuit Court of Australia - assists people to resolve legal and family disputes
Magistrates’ Court of Victoria – assists people to obtain family violence intervention orders for those who have experienced violent, threatening or abusive behaviour
Law Institute of Victoria – find a lawyer legal referral service
Women’s Legal Service Victoria - work with and for women experiencing particular disadvantage to address legal issues arising from relationship breakdown or violence
Government Services
Australian Government Attorney General's Department, Families & Marriage - information for families and couples including about the family law system, family dispute resolution and family law services
Centrelink - payments and services for people at times of major change.
Child Support - resources for families, separated parents and their children.
Families - payments and government benefits available to families.
Victorian Government Department of Human Services – a range of programs and services including child protection, crisis & emergency, family violence and financial
Victorian Government Child FIRST (Child and Family Information Referral and Support Team) - provides support and assistance to vulnerable children, young people and their families where there are concerns about the wellbeing of the child or young person
Family Transitions, Young Children in Divorce & Separation program (YCIDS) - a short online education program for separated parents of very young children (0-4 years) by child psychologist Professor Jennifer McIntosh
Kids Count - online resources about parenting
Raising Children Network - resources for parents
Stepfamilies Australia - online and telephone support for stepfamilies
Tweddle - Child Family Health Service - early intervention and prevention health services
Dads Online - support for separated dads
- - government early learning and child care initiatives
ReachOut Parents - 24/7 service providing practical tips, tools and strategies to help parents strengthen their relationship with their teenager
Families and Communications
Family Relationships Online - resources about family relationship issues
eCommBook – an Australian based online platform enabling separated parents to communicate regarding their children's needs
Our Family Wizard – a US based website for separated parents to assist them to manage co-parenting relationships
Family Violence
1800 Respect - 24/7 sexual assault and family violence helpline
Domestic Violence Resource Centre - resources for those affected by family violence
No to Violence - male family violence prevention
Men's Referral Service - telephone counselling for men dealing with family violence matters
South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault - services for victims of sexual and physical assault
Bursting the Bubble - website for young people experiencing family violence and other issues
Health and Mental Health
headspace - mental health services for young people
beyondblue - anxiety, depression and suicide support service and resources
BeyondNow - suicide safety planning app to help people when distressed and at risk of suicide
Healthdirect - health advice
SANE Australia - online and telephone mental health support
Black Dog Institute - information about mental health
LGBTIQ support services
Rainbow Families Council - support for LGBTIQ parents
Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria - supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ Victorians
Gender Help for Parents - resources for parents about their child's gender identity
Transgender Victoria - support for trans and gender diverse people
Zoe Belle Gender Collective - resources for trans and gender diverse community
Organisation Intersex International Australia - support for intersex people
Switchboard Victoria - telephone counselling, information and referrals for LGBTIQ communities
Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays - resources for families and friends of gay people
Problem gambling
Betsafe - responsible gambling program
Gambling: Calculating the Risk - educational game exploring the mathematics of gambling
Gambling Help Online - 24/7 telephone support
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation - support services for Victorians affected by gambling